District Testing
Progress Monitoring Assessments
Kindergarten through 5th
mCLASS, powered by DIBELS® 8th Edition, offers teacher-administered literacy assessments and intervention for grades K–6
Renaissance Star assesses math skills across multiple domains. Lead students toward math proficiency and mastery with a research-based, state-specific learning progression for math. It shows the continuum of math strategies, skills, and subskills needed for students to achieve grade-level math proficiency.
NWEA MAP, is an innovative assessment for measuring achievement and growth in 6–12 math and reading. It provides teachers with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level.
State Testing
STAAR/EOC Overview
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and End of Course (EOC) is designed to test students’ knowledge and skills in a deeper way, STAAR is based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
Elementary Assessments
- 3rd – Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts
- 4th – Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts
- 5th – Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts, and Science
Middle School Assessments
- 6th – Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts
- 7th – Mathematics and Reading/Language Arts
- 8th – Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science
High School Assessments (EOC)
- English I
- Algebra I
- Biology
- English II
- U.S. History
TEA has provided the following document for parents to better understand STAAR:
- What Families Should Know About STAAR (English PDF or Spanish PDF)
For more information, visit The Texas Education Agency's Student Assessment page.
State Testing Results
Once the Texas Education Agency (TEA) releases the STAAR/EOC results, the campus will mail you a copy of the results. Additionally, you can obtain a copy of your child’s score, by visiting the 2023 login/learn and Texas Assessment Family Portal.
TEA designed the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) to assess the progress that Emergent Bilingual (EB) students, also referred to as English learners (ELs), make in learning the English language. Texas annually assesses students in kindergarten through grade 12 who have been identified as EB in four language domains - listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The results indicate how well students understand and use English during academic instruction. Students not making steady progress may require additional assistance at school. Results will be mailed to parents once TEA makes them available. Additionally, you can obtain a copy of your child’s score, by visiting the Texas Assessment Family Portal.
TEA developed TELPAS to meet state and federal requirements. More information can be found at https://tea.texas.gov/student-assessment/testing/telpas/telpas-resources
Advanced Placement (AP) Exams
The Advanced Placement Program (AP) enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. The program consists of college-level courses developed by the AP Program that high schools can choose to offer, and corresponding exams that are administered once a year.
- NYOS offers 15 AP courses in varying subject categories
- Each AP course is modeled on a comparable introductory college course in the subject.
- Each course culminates in a standardized college-level assessment or AP Exam.
- AP Exams are given in May each year
- Schools must be authorized by the AP Course Audit to offer approved AP courses and use the AP designation.
AP Exam Ordering Information
The preferred ordering deadline is in November for all AP exams. The last day to submit your order without any additional fees is November 14, 2023. Exam orders submitted after this date will incur an additional $40 per exam late order fee, with some exceptions. Visit the College Board Exam Fee website to learn more.
AP 2023-2024 Parent Letter with details and deadlines
AP Exam Schedule
The 2024 AP Exams are TBD.
AP Exam Accommodation Requests
For students to receive accommodations on the PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, or AP Exams, students must request the accommodations and be approved by the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities. For more information on accommodations visit the College Board Accommodations website.
Submit Requests Early
Because the approval process can take up to seven weeks, it’s best to start well before the test date.
Keep in mind:
- It is usually easier and more efficient to work through the school.
- The College Board cannot review the request until all required documentation is received.
- If additional documentation is required—or if a request is resubmitted—approval can take an additional seven weeks.
- If you miss a deadline, accommodations might not be approved or in place on test day.
To request an accommodation: please submit the SSD Accommodation Request form to your Campus Testing Coordinator/Section 504, Norma Reyes, at [email protected] and Special Education to Rachel Fahrig, [email protected].
College Entrance Exams
It is never too early to prepare for college, especially when it comes to the SAT college entrance exams. Although test scores are not the only thing that colleges look at, they are part of the process and determine eligibility for academic scholarships. As you begin studying for the tests, utilize the resources below:
The SAT is a three-hour test and consists of three tests: (1) the Reading Test, (2) the* Writing and Language Test, and (3) the Math Test. Most of the questions are multiple-choice, though some of the math questions ask you to write in the answer rather than select it. On all questions, there is no penalty for guessing. Students receive a total score of 400 to 1600. NYOS offers the SAT to all 11th-grade students in the spring. As you begin to study, check out these helpful tips for taking the SAT.
2024-2025 SAT testing date: TBD
The PSAT/NMSQT give insight into the student's progress toward college and career readiness and success. The PSAT/NMSQT is an excellent way for students to preview and practice for the SAT because they are tightly aligned with the new SAT.
In addition to preparation for the SAT, the PSAT/NMSQT provides:
- Students have access to free personalized SAT studies
- Connect students to AP courses, scholarships, and colleges
- the official route of entry to the Nation Merit® Scholarship Program
NYOS offers the PSAT/NMSQT to every student during the fall of their sophomore year. For more information on the PSAT/NMSQT, please refer to the College Board's website.
2024-2025 PSAT/NMSQT testing date: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 for 10th Graders.
Texas Assessment Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2)
The Texas Assessment Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) is the assessment instrument used to determine college readiness for students who do not receive an exemption score on the SAT or ACT as required by the Texas Success Initiative. The TSIA2 consists of two multiple choice sections: Math and English Language Arts Reading. The TSIA2 also includes a WritePlacer essay section. Students who do not pass one or all parts of the TSIA2 must enroll in an appropriate developmental education course before enrolling in college-level work.
NYOS offers the TSIA2 to every student in 9th-12th grade. Students must sign up with Ms. Jackson at [email protected] to take the exam. For more information on the TSIA2, please refer to the College Board's website. To take a practice TSIA2 assessment, click here for login.