Level 2 Effective Teaching in Every Classroom Summary

“Level 2 addresses factors that relate to developing and maintaining effective instruction in every classroom. This is a central feature of effective schooling- the quality of teaching in classrooms.” 
Level 2 has six leading indicators that include:
  • School leaders communicate a clear instructional vision.
  • Support is provided to teachers to continually enhance their skills through reflection and professional growth plans.
  • Instructional practices are known and monitored.
  • Teachers are provided with clear, ongoing evaluations based on data and are consistent with student achievement data.
  • Teachers are provided with professional development that is related to their instructional growth goals.
  • Teachers have opportunities to observe and collaborate around effective teaching.
Source: Marzano, R. J., Phil Warrik, and Julia A. Simms. A Handbook for High Reliability Schools: The Next Step in School Reform. Marzano Research, 2014.