Elementary Schedule » Elementary Schedule & Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures

Elementary Schedule & Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures

Please refer to the following schedule for school day start and end times. To learn more about afterschool care options for students, please go here
Doors open for Elementary students beginning at 7:15 AM. There is no staff supervision available for students before 7:15 AM.
elementary schedule 24-25
elementary school day by grade
Standard Pickup Times:
  • Elementary students should be picked up at 3:25 PM unless they are involved in a supervised after-school program.
  • Elementary students must be picked up no later than 4:00 PM on Monday-Thursday and no later than 12:50 PM on Fridays.  That allows 35 min from dismissal to pick up. The gate closes at 4pm for carline.  NYOS is unable to provide staff supervision for students outside of supervised after-school programming that students are registered for.   
Picking Up Your Student Early:
  • If you need to pickup your student early, please pick them up no later than 2:30pm Monday - Thursday and 11:00am Friday. If you arrive after 2:30pm/11:00am, you will need to wait in one of our regular dismissal lines in order to collect your student. This allows us to reduce front desk traffic at the end of the school day and ensures that we're able to focus on a safe and efficient dismissal.
  • If you are picking up your student early for an appointment, you can help NYOS by emailing the front desk ahead of time to let us know. Please email the front desk at [email protected] and include the full name of your student, the time we can expect you, and what time we should have your student ready for pickup.
  • Please plan for a minimum of 15 minutes to pickup your student from our front desk. Many times we are calling students from other buildings. This means it can take some time to get your student with their belonging to the front office and we do not want you to be delayed.
Drop Off and Pick Up: Grades PreK-5th
Parents will follow the flow of cars to navigate our campus facility. Drop-off and pick-up will take place ONLY at the north side of our Elementary building. Once exiting our campus, cars must take a RIGHT TURN ONLY at N Lamar Blvd.
We took a deep dive into our arrival and dismissal systems and procedures this year in order to create a plan that was safe and efficient for everyone. New systems always come with new challenges, but know that we are committed to working together to get it right. Please use the following series of maps as a guide:
Updated July 22, 2022:
Arriving on campus
Arriving on Campus
  • If traveling North on Lamar, turn RIGHT to enter campus
  • If traveling South on Lamar, turn Left on Indian Mound Drive, Right on S I-35 Frontage Rd, Right on Yager, Right on Lamar, and RIGHT to enter campus.
  • Upon entry onto campus
  • Turn Right to access Car Lane, Accessible Parking and our new Park & Walk option.
    • Split into double lane:
    • Left Lane = Park & Walk
    • Right Lane = Car Line & Accessible Parking Spaces
Accessible Parking Access
  • Enter the school parking lot and turn RIGHT to join the Car Line
  • Follow the Car Line unto you reach the accessible parking area
  • Turn right to park
  • When exiting spaces, back out of the space with caution
  • Exit using the center lane of the parking lot
  • Yield to Car Line exit traffic
    Exit to Lamar when clear
Arrival Car Line Traffic Patterns 2022-23
Arrival Car Lane Procedures - Recommended for students who do NOT need assistance exiting their vehicle
  • Parents are asked to stage for arrival no earlier than 7:15 AM
  • Stay in your vehicle throughout the entire drop-off process
  • Form a single line unless otherwise instructed by a traffic monitor
  • Follow traffic monitor directions. They are strategically placed to help you navigate the arrival process
  • NEVER block access to accessible spaces
  • Drop Secondary students off in the Secondary Drop-Off Zone before re-entering the line to the Elementary Drop-Off Area (NOTE: This is a quick drop-off area! Please be efficient.)
  • Prepare your students for exit upon entering the drop off zone. Preparing mean
    • Enter the drop-off zone slowly
    • Make a full stop
    • Unlock car doors
    • Allow students to exit on the passenger side of the vehicle
    • Encourage students to exit safely and efficiently
  • Once students have fully exited the vehicle, yield to other exiting traffic and exit slowly when clear
  • Drive safely as you exit school grounds
  • Take a right to head North on Lamar
Dismissal Car Line Traffic Pattern 2022-23
Dismissal Car Line Procedures
  • Parents are asked to stage for dismissal no earlier than 30 Minutes before dismissal:
    • 2:55 PM (Mon-Thu)       
    • 11:45 AM (Fri)
  • Stay in your vehicle throughout the entire pick-up process
  • Form a single line unless otherwise instructed by a traffic monitor
  • Follow traffic monitor directions. They are strategically placed to help you navigate the dismissal process
  • NEVER block access to handicap spaces
  • Place your student placard on the dashboard so it is clearly visible to the traffic monitor
  • Be prepared to receive your student upon entering the pick-up zone. Preparing means:
    • Enter the drop-off zone slowly
    • Make a full stop
    • Unlock car doors
    • Allow students to load-in on the passenger side of the vehicle
    • Encourage students to load-in safely and efficiently
  • Once students have fully loaded the vehicle, yield to other exiting traffic and exit slowly when clear
  • Drive safely as you exit school grounds
  • Take a right to head North on Lamar
Arrival/Dismissal Park & Walk Traffic Pattern
Park & Walk Procedures - Recommended for students that need assistance exiting their vehicle
Turn left to enter the Park & Walk parking area
  • Park in the first available space on the right or left, whichever comes first. This is important!!
    • It ensures parents park efficiently
    • It ensures you find a spot
    • If all spots are taken, yield to cross traffic. When clear, you may take a left and re-enter the parking lane and try again.
  • Always pause to allow vehicles to exit parking spaces safely
Park & Walk Parking Norms
  • Do NOT back into the parking space
  • Park in the first available space on the right or left, whichever comes first
  • Enter the parking space with caution, watching for caretakers and students exiting their vehicles
  • Exit opposite side of empty parking spaces
  • Do NOT cross the parking lot. Instead walk towards the crosswalk to cross safely with the support of the traffic monitor.
Park & Walk Drop Off Norms
  • Drop students off under the awning in the designated drop off area
  • Parent volunteers will be available to support and guide students who are entering the building during the first two weeks of school
  • Students may enter through the front office.
  • As soon as your students has been dropped off, please return to your vehicle using the designated crosswalk. (Remember, others are waiting for your spot.)
  • Back out of the parking space slowly
  • Take a left to exit the parking area.
  • Yield to exiting drop-off traffic
  • Take a right to head North on Lamar
Accessible Parking Reminders
Accesible Parking at NYOS
It is a Violation of Texas law:  
To park a vehicle in an accessible parking space without displaying the appropriate plate or placard, even if a driver or a passenger of the vehicle has a disability;  
  • To park a vehicle in an accessible space when neither the driver or any passenger has a disability, even if the vehicle displays the appropriate plate or placard; 
  • To park a vehicle with a placard or plate that is expired;  
  • To park a vehicle with a placard or plate that belongs to someone who is not a driver or a passenger in the vehicle;  
  • To lend a parking placard to an individual without a disability who uses that placard to violate state law;  
  • To steal or counterfeit a parking placard or license plate;  
  • To park a car in such a way that it blocks access to an accessible parking space, an access aisle, or any architectural improvement that provides access for people with disabilities, such as a ramp or a curb cut.
Transportation Code 681.011, Transportation Code 681.0111, and Transportation Code 681.012
Drop Off and Pick Up: 6th-12th
  • BOTH middle school and high school families will enter our high school campus via Yager Ln.
  • Upon entering:
    • Middle school families will turn left and 6th-8th graders will be dropped off at the entrance of Building A.
    • High school families will go straight and then turn right, and 9th-12th graders will be dropped of in between Buildings B & C.
    • High school student drivers will still park in front of Lamar Building A.
Secondary Map
If you have both an Elementary and Secondary student who are siblings, please follow the arrival and dismissal procedures for Elementary. 
Secondary Pick-Up/Drop-Off Zone<IMPORTANT> Older siblings will NO LONGER be able to walk from the Elementary building to their designated middle school or high school buildings.
Instead they should be dropped-off and picked-up in the NEW Secondary Pick-Up/Drop Off Zone located on the Southside of the Middle School Building.
This is an airport-style drop-off and pick-up zone. No waiting please!
It is HIGHLY recommended that parents with students in both primary and secondary school arrive no earlier than 3:40 PM (12:40 PM) to accommodate for staggered dismissal times.
  • Please do not park in the nearby residential and commercial areas. We want to continue to be good neighbors to those around us.
  • Please do not move construction fences in order to access alternative areas of the Elementary building. Fences have been placed in designated areas for the safety of our students, staff and families.
  • Please obey those who are directing traffic.
One of the many strengths of our NYOS community is our ability to make adjustments as needed. On that note, we are also currently adding more outdoor tables that will be used for Elementary lunch. Secondary students will also be able to eat lunch at outdoor picnic tables within their designated spaces.
We cannot thank our families enough for your grace, kindness, and patience this week as we make adjustments and improvements within our new campus space. Our NYOS community is truly unlike any other!

Student Drivers
Only student drivers who register with the receptionist will be permitted to drive to school, with Seniors being given priority. Student drivers who actively attend ACC or whose schedule allows them to leave campus during the day will also be given first priority.

Student drivers will be permitted to drive to school under the following conditions:
  • permission must be obtained from the Secondary Principal
  • students must be in compliance with the school attendance and discipline policies;
  • students must drive a safe, legal, and environmentally-sound vehicle as determined by the Principal or designee;
  • written approval must be obtained from the student’s parents or guardians;
  • student’s academic performance must be acceptable as determined by the Principal or designee;
  • students will be required to purchase a parking permit for $50;
  • students must fill out an application and provide the school with proof of insurance and a valid driver’s license;
  • parking is prohibited anywhere off campus, including the neighboring businesses and hotels;
  • parking permit must be displayed in the car at all times;
  • students under 18 years of age are prohibited from driving with more than one passenger in the vehicle under 21 years of age who is not a family member per state law (HB 3483).
A student’s privilege to park on campus may be revoked at the Principal’s discretion.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to responding to signs and directives, we ask that you follow these basic driving courtesies:

1) Under no circumstances should an individual engage in cursing or gesturing with other parents, staff or students.
2) Do not use the traffic line as a time to talk with your teacher, students, or other parents.
3) Allow potential customers for the retail stores on Yager Lane access to these businesses during times when traffic is stacked up on Yager Lane.
4) Pick up your students at the required times.
5) No student should be picked up on the outside passing lane or street.
6) No student should be picked up or dropped off at the hotels or businesses near our campus facilities.
7) No cell phone use in parking lot during drop-off or pick-up.
8) Do not pass the school bus while students are loading or unloading.
9) Parents/Guardians are not allowed to queue up more than 30 minutes before dismissal and must remain in their vehicles.
10) Park only in legally marked parking spaces on the school property.
11) No cross-through traffic will be allowed in between buildings.